A research conducted by Liselotte Bingen, please contact liselottebingen@hotmail.com for more information. Increasing urbanization and air pollution call for less demands on space and less emissions. Carsharing can be a solution for this as it may reduce vehicle ownership and traffic. In this respect, carsharing for business shows much potential. Read more...
Read MoreNog niet zo lang geleden gaf ik als deeleconomie ervaringsdeskundige een presentatie aan een groep mensen waar ik nog niet eerder een presentatie aan had gegeven. Het ging om
schuldsaneringsklanten en het was hún verwendag; georganiseerd door Stichting Doras (een welzijnsorganisatie actief in Amsterdam Noord), omdat de genodigden hadden meegewerkt aan een onderzoek over de nazorg bij schuldsanering.
Lees verder over kansen voor iedereen in de deeleconomie.
Door Samantha van den Bos
Read MorePrivate lease is een enorme groeimarkt, in het afgelopen jaar steeg het aantal private leaseauto's van 36.000 naar 50.000, een stijging van 35% in slechts zes maanden. Het wordt dus voor de particulier steeds populairder om een auto te leasen in plaats van aan te schaffen. Dit past ook helemaal in het tijdsbeeld, waarbij consumenten liever niet de lasten van bezit willen dragen. Met private lease heb je toegang tot een eigen auto, een recent en zuinig model en betaal je een all-in prijs per maand. Contracten worden steeds korter en als je leasetijd voorbij is, lever je gewoon je auto weer in en kies je evt. een nieuwe. Read more...
Read MoreAMSTERDAM 12 september 2016.
Het aantal deelauto's in Nederland groeit. Hoeveel de groei bedraagt ten opzichte van voorgaande jaren wordt op 27 september bekendgemaakt tijdens het shareNL symposium autodelen. Iedereen die iets met autodelen doet zal aanwezig zijn op de tweede editie van dit event; 'Driving Change'. Het programma is rijk gevuld met content en (internationale) sprekers. In een aantal verdiepingsessies wordt er o.a. gekeken naar de relatie tussen autodelen en bijvoorbeeld private lease, de zelfrijdende auto en er is een sessie over autodelen en OV met de perspectieven van UITP, een autodeel-aanbieder en de stad Osnabrück. De autodeler en autodeelplatformen komen aan het woord en ook aan het zakelijk delen van corporate fleets en gemeentelijk beleid wordt aandacht geschonken. Read more...
Read MoreHet lijkt misschien onlogisch dat autofabrikanten actief zijn in autodelen, waar het uitgangspunt vaak is dat er minder auto's nodig zijn. Dat staat haaks op de verkoopdoelstellingen. Daarnaast staat autodelen wereldwijd en in Nederland nog in de kinderschoenen. Toch buitelen de autofabrikanten over elkaar heen met nieuwe autodeelconcepten. Zo omschreef Tesla's CEO Elon Musk in zijn toekomstvisie hoe je jouw zelfrijdende auto straks via een app aan de ‘Tesla shared fleet' kunt toevoegen, zodat deze geld voor je verdient terwijl jij aan het werk of op vakantie bent. Read more...
On the 4th and 5th of July shareNL and the EU Policy Lab of the Commission's Joint Research Center, engaged in a co-design session to develop a first prototype of the Sharing City Canvas. A gamified tool designed mostly for decision-makers, and also any other organizations interested in gaining a better understanding about the dynamics of the collaborative economy.
Read MoreOne year ago I started my graduation project with this question in mind: What is the best way for policymakers and regulators to deal with sharing economy initiatives? As experienced ShareNL blog readers you might already sense that this question is very hard or even impossible to answer. Most certainly it is too comprehensive to answer in a graduation project of only five months. I however, was not aware of the challenge at the time and thus ambitiously started on my adventure. Read how our guest blogger Jaker Wester overcame this challenge...
Read MoreIn Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) more than 180.000 people are supported by social security and welfare (almost 1 out of 5 people). Though, they are not the ones who are taking most advantage of the opportunities the sharing economy brings. The local government is looking into how to address this issue by enabling access to sharing platforms with the local city pass. Yesterday at 'Dit is pas Amsterdam' at Pakhuis de Zwijger we spoke about how to encourage an inclusive growth of the sharing economy, thus how to provide access to all goods and services through the sharing economy for people who could benefit the most. Read more...
Read MoreWil je deel uitmaken van het leukste team van Amsterdam? Dit is je kans! Een uitdagende stage in het hart van de deeleconomie. Lees meer...
Read More'Airbnb? That's a crazy idea.' This was the general reaction I received when I started working on the collaborative economy in 2012. Over the past few years I've seen people's attitudes towards sharing our own homes change fast. By now, millions of people are doing it and Airbnb, which is not the only platform of its kind, will have its 100.000.000th guest somewhere over the next months. It is clear that, for many of us, 'what is private,' is being redefined. Read more...
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In a communication published earlier this month, the European Commission policy makers explain the key regulatory issues at hand and provide policy guidelines for member states. A short spoiler: it focusses on topics that most of us find dry and even boring. But it is worthwhile understanding the main questions and suggestions raised by the Commission because they will determine the political discourse in the future and therefore affect stakeholders in the collaborative economy. That is why Paula summarizes the most important points for you as short and spicy as possible. Read more...
Read MoreAutodeelplatform ParkFlyRent heeft vandaag een nieuwe financieringsronde opgehaald en verwelkomt Jochem de Boer als Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Met de nieuwe financieringsronde en de uitbreiding van de directie mikt ParkFlyRent erop de groei van haar vestiging bij Schiphol nog verder aan te jagen en uit te breiden naar nieuwe vliegvelden. Lees meer...
Read MoreWhat differentiates a leader from a boss? Who will be leading us into the future? The Internet of Things has accelerated how products and services come to the market, and challenges our organizations to keep up the rapid pace. A high demanding work environment, asking for a constant flow of creativity, flexibility, interdisciplinary skills and collaboration, requires strong leaders. Yet, this also means our organizational structures as we know them are shifting and borders becoming more fluid. So how do we deal with that?
Read MoreDuring his experiences in the sharing economy shareNL co-founder Pieter van de Glind stumbled upon great differences between the researchers and the non-researchers field. With the shareNL workshop 'After the Gold Rush' Pieter invited both parties to define their gold, start digging for those nuggets and finally craft new gold jewelery together. And here's what happened...
Read MoreDuring our round table session at OushareFest 2016 we talked to a bunch of enthousiastic people. shareNL co-founder Harmen van Sprang is happy to share his thoughts on this exclusive meeting.
Read More'After the Gold Rush' was the topic of this year's OuiShare Fest. So ShareNL asked all participants of the festival to dig for gold one last time, to find collaborative economy gold nuggets and to create the jewels of the future. In an inspiring and insightful workshop session we invited researchers and practitioners of the collaborative economy to enter the conversation and bridge the gap between theory and practice. While the former is usually fast paced, always on the look-out for what’s new, the latter try to truly understand what is happening. And both can learn from the other. In this blog you can find insights from our OSF workshop on connecting the two.
Read MoreEvents about the blockchain enjoyed a lot of popularity during OSF 2016. In her blog, Paula invites you to learn how blockchain technology can help to build trust and reputation for the collaborative economy, a feature that will become increasingly important as more and more people decide to collaborate.
Read MoreDuring our Ouishare Fest 2016 workshop “Designing a Sharing City”, we played the Sharing City Game: combining grass roots and grass tops level experience from both Shareable and shareNL. Instead of giving a talk about how we co-designed Amsterdam Sharing City – which is a very interesting topic as well (read further) -, we decided to have people experience themselves what it means to take part in the design of a Sharing City. And no better way, than to invite them to play!
Read MoreIn Amsterdam, the sharing economy is there to stay. The growth in locally to globally operating sharing initiatives is remarkable. Since 2015, Amsterdam is the first Sharing City in Europe, and as such, the progressive leader in an expanding field. In this blog, we take a step back and take a look at what makes Amsterdam a Sharing City? Is there really one single ingredient and how ca other cities use the Sharing City recipe?
Read MoreStartup Peerby raises € 2,000,000 from it's users and plans to put the money towards the international expansion of its recently launched business model. Read more...
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