Sharing the Sharing City experience

Ever since the launch of the Amsterdam Sharing City we have been invited to cities from around the world to share our experience. While traveling through four different continents over the last four months, we realized even more that it is time to take Sharing Cities to the next level. During these months we have been building the foundations of a global network of cities aiming to enable the collaborative (& sharing) economy to address social, environmental and economical challenges. From today onwards, any city can join the Sharing City Alliance. Have a look at the website, let us know what you think, and feel free to share the Sharing City story with people in your city!

Read about: 

  • Our startup network and how to join. 
  • The potential of car sharing. 
  • A car sharing solution for small countryside villages.
  • The real (e)state of the sharing economy. 
  • What is needed to become a true sharing society. 
  • The 'peer-to-business-to-peer' marketplace.
  • And much more...