The Green Carsharing Deal is an agreement between a broad coalition of 30 providers of car sharing, leasing companies, insurance companies, municipalities, businesses, interest groups as well as the national government,
to join forces with the aim to expand the car sharing concept and implementation.
On September 27th 2016, another 12 organisations will sign the agreement.
The Green Carsharing Deal is an initiative that offers companies and organizations an opportunity to cooperate with the government to achieve green growth. The goal of the project is to increase car sharing to 100.000 cars by the year of 2018.
The proposition is an agreement that entails increasing awareness of auto parts; building and sharing of knowledge and data; establishing pilot projects and further up-scaling auto sharing; and building towards a long-term umbrella partnership in order to utilize each others’ knowledge and experience in coordinating pilot projects,
overcome constraints and cultivate opportunities.
Participating organisations are: Alphabet Netherlands, ANWB, Arval, Business Lease Netherlands, BOVAG Rental- and sharing companies, Capgemini Netherlands, Centraal Beheer Achmea, Climate Neutral Group, de Groene Zaak, EY, municipality of Amsterdam, municipality of Den Haag, municipality of Utrecht, municipality of Zwolle, Greenwheels, InsEur Innovations, Kyotolease, Multilease, MyWheels, Natuur- en Milieufederaties, Natuur & Milieu, Ondernemers Collectief Duurzame Mobiliteit, Ordina, ParkFlyRent, Share2Use, shareNL, SnappCar, Vereniging voor Gedeeld Autogebruik,
WeGo and the national Government.
Do you have further questions about the Green Deal Carsharing? Read shareNL’s article on the topic here (Dutch only) or contact Ananda Groag at or at